Remember when you blew your student loan on a stereo?

Hey good people. Until September 6th we have a sweet deal for you on our used gear and FREE record crates for every new Pro-Ject turntable purchase. You can find our complete inventory of new and used turntables and audio gear right here: Turntable Catalog


Bundle and save on all our vintage gear.

Buy a used turntable and get 10% off.

Add a used receiver or amplifier and get 20% off.

Then add a pair of used speakers and get 30% off.

Backbeat Aug 2015-4

Backbeat Aug 2015-5


With any new Pro-Ject turntable purchase you will get a FREE locally made record crate from Flook D. Doo.

debutcarbonespritsbdc_green Record Crate - Flook D Doo 1


This deal is only on until September 6th.


Get Amped - Aug 2015