

When you travel, how many books do you bring? I went home for the long weekend and brought along no less than five books for four days, two of which were mainly spent in the car driving. But a person needs options, right? I grabbed a bag and filled it with a memoir, a humorous option, a couple of fiction books, and a borrowed book thrown in for good measure. Oh right, and an extra one for a possible last-minute hostess gift (that I ended up keeping and will leave behind next time instead).

I don’t know about you, but I find it impossible to travel without basically bringing along a personal-sized library. I never know what kind of mood I’ll be in or what I’ll enjoy in a specific moment. I feel as though I need a certain kind of book in case middle-of-the-night insomnia hits and a couple of different options in case the only time I get to unwind is at the end of a busy afternoon. What if I were to wake up early before everyone else? That may require an easy read. And I always read before bed when I’m away, but maybe I’d be in the mood for something a little more involved. Maybe I’d just need a good laugh instead of something requiring absolute concentration…who knows? See, if I brought only one book and it didn’t end up living up to my expectations, I’d be cursing my light packing for sure.

In the end, I only ended up reading two of the books (unfortunately that middle-of-the-night insomnia hit pretty hard), but I was happy to have so many options. I may have forgotten to pack an extra sweater, a warm enough jacket, the GPS and my hairbrush, but at least I wasn’t stuck with a bad book.