Latest LCD Soundsystem and first Prophets of Rage available now.

We featured some great recent releases last week and this week is no exception. Just 2 this time around but we know a lot of you have been asking about them. We’ve got the latest from LCD Soundsystem “American Dream” and the first album from the Prophets of Rage (Rage Against the Machine + Public Enemy + Cypress Hill).

New Album Releases Sept 15 2017

LCD Soundsystem - American DreamLCD Soundsystem – American Dream

From The rebirth of LCD Soundsystem is marked by an extraordinary album obsessed with endings: of friendships, of love, of heroes, of a certain type of geeky fandom, and of the American dream itself. These are big, serious topics for a project that essentially started as a goof, but it’s the direction Murphy has taken since Sound of Silver’s “Someone Great” combined his affection for bubbling synths with a poignancy about the fleeting nature of life. Now, as a 47-year-old father of a young child, Murphy is using his long-running affection for bygone post-punk and art-rock sounds to carry on traditions; the album includes pointed references to Lou Reed, Leonard Cohen, Suicide’s Alan Vega, and David Bowie, all of whom passed in the years since LCD’s last record. Whereas Murphy once took on all of these influences lightly and cleverly, they feel heavier across much of American Dream’s 70 minutes, with the lingering responsibilities of a disappearing history becoming more apparent.

Prophets of Rage - Prophets of RageProphets of Rage Prophets of Rage

Emblazed across a fire-engine red baseball cap, “Make America Rage Again” stood in stark contrast to the idiocy of the presidential campaign and deftly summarized the mission for the revolutionary musicians who constitute Prophets Of Rage: Tom Morello, Tim Commerford and Brad Wilk of Rage Against The Machine, Chuck D and DJ Lord of Public Enemy, and Cypress Hill’s B-Real. If “Make America Great Again” overlooked the fact that America was already great, the savvy streetwear-style flip of Trump’s campaign merchandise nailed the fact that America was already raging.
The seeds of Prophets Of Rage however, had been planted well before Trump. Rage Against The Machine’s first real tour was a west coast run opening for Public Enemy in 1992. And Cypress Hill took Rage out on the road in 1994. B-Real actually appears in Rage Against The Machine’s “Killing in the Name” video. They’ve been friends and co-conspirators for quite some time.










That’s it for now, check back soon! Like Sunday… Sunday would be a good day to check back.