We’ve just acquired our biggest selection of used music books so far and trust me, you won’t want to miss out! Here’s where you’ll find musician autobiographies, biographies by prominent music writers, journalists and groupies, books about writing and critiquing music, and books dedicated to specific songs, genres and music festivals.
Do you know a reluctant reader or are you one yourself? These are exactly the types of books I’d put into your hands to show you that books are anything but boring. Let’s grab one from the stacks and see what’s on the back:
“Forty years, twenty-eight ODs, three botched suicides, two heart attacks, a couple of jail stints, a debilitating stroke…” yet somehow he lived! And wrote a tell-all book! Ah, the life of a rock star…if you can’t live it yourself at least you can see behind the scenes – minus the killer hangover.