Backyard Farming

Backyard Farming books

Today, we’re showcasing a Backbeat best-selling series, Backyard Farming, by Kim Pezza. The latest book in the series, Growing Garlic, just arrived today, so if the recent Perth Lions Garlic Festival whetted your appetite for this staple ingredient or if you want to try your hand at planting your own, this is just the book you need!

Other books in this series include Home Harvesting, Raising Chickens, Raising Goats and Keeping Honey Bees. Whether you’re out in the country or are interested in joining the urban farming craze, these books will give you all the information you need to get started. As the tagline reads, these books are full of “expert advice made easy”. And some more good news…they’re priced at only $6.99, which means you’ll have more money in your pocket to get started on your new hobby!