Hey Backbeaters! We are working to get the shop open for you to be able to browse and it shouldn’t be much longer before we can welcome you back. Things will look a little different when you visit and there will be a few rules that we will all need to follow.
While you’re waiting for us to open back up, we know you’ve been itchin’ to get some new vinyl so we’re excited to introduce the Backbeat eShop!
You can check it out here: shop.backbeatperth.com
Our eShop will focus on new vinyl for now, but we’ll continue to add more of what we offer in-store so we can provide you with what you visit Backbeat for…books and music! We hope that you find the eShop has a similar vibe to our physical store.
You’ll be able to pick up your orders at the shop or we can ship them (within Ontario) directly to you.
What are you waiting for? Head over to shop.backbeatperth.com and start digging at your favourite indie record shop… now online!
Thinking of placing an order to be picked up at our shop? Use discount code BBPickup10 for 10% off your entire order when placed through our eShop. This discount code is valid until July 31, 2020.
But don’t worry, you can still message or email us to put things aside and for special orders – that hasn’t changed; we’re just giving you another way you can shop at Backbeat. We’re here to help you, our great customers find what you’re looking for.
See you soon.