I don’t know about you, but I love seeing behind the scenes of artists’ processes. This week we’re pairing the book Fear Stalks the Land! A Commonplace Book by Thom Yorke and Stanley Donwood with the Radiohead album Kid A.
This intriguing compact book includes “faxes, notes, fledgling lyrics, sketches, lists of all kids and scribblings towards nirvana” sent between the lead singer and the artist who has worked on all of Thom Yorke’s album art, Stanley Donwood.
We recommend pairing it with Kid A, Radiohead’s fourth studio album. Take time to enjoy the cover art: mountains that were painted on large canvases with knives and sticks, then photographed and digitally manipulated. Inspired by a wartime photograph, a graphic novel and David Hockney, the final imagery is the culmination of the artists’ vision and is just one piece of many between the two longtime collaborators.